Pack 1158 Handbook
As a parent, you want your son to grow up to be a person of worth; a self-reliant, dependable, and caring individual. Scouting has these same goals in mind for him. Since 1910, we have been weaving lifetime values into fun and educational activities designed to assist parents in strengthening character, developing good citizenship, and enhancing physical fitness in youth.
These values help your son make good decisions throughout his lifetime and give him confidence as he becomes an adult leader of tomorrow. With all the negative influences in today’s society, Scouting provides your son with a positive peer group and a program that is fun and adventurous and helps him to “be prepared” to shape his own future.
Scout Basics
Your Boy is a Member of a Den (he will be assigned an existing den or a new den will be formed).
- A den has usually up to 8 boys
- The den meets 2-3 times a month (2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 6:45pm at Ashburn Elementary, along with occasional weekend/ad hoc times/locations).
- The den is led by a den leader and an assistant (parents or adults connected to boys in the Pack).
- The den may also be assisted by a den chief (an older Boy Scout).
Your Boy (and his Den) is a Member of a Pack (we are Pack 1158).
- A pack is made up of all the dens.
- The pack meets once a month (the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:45pm at Ashburn Elementary School). All Cub Scout families attend.
- Pack meetings have games, skits, songs, ceremonies, and presentations of badges that the boys earned that month.
The Pack is Run by the Pack Committee
- The pack committee is made up of a group of adults that administer the program of the pack. Usually committee members, as well as other pack leaders, are parents or family of boys in the pack.
- The committee meets once month (1st Tuesday of each month at 7pm at AES).
- The committee is led by a Committee Chairperson.
- The committee selects leaders, performs record keeping, manages pack finances, orders badges, maintains pack equipment, helps train leaders, and recognizes leaders.
The Pack is Owned by the Chartered Organization (our Organization is the Dulles International Airport Rotary Club).
- Chartered organizations include schools, parent-school associations, religious organizations, service clubs, and other groups interested in youth.
- The chartered organization approves leaders, provides a meeting place, and operates packs within the guidelines and policies of the chartered organization and the Boy scouts of America.
Pack Structure
Within each Pack, the boys are divided into dens according to grade level. Dens will consist of 5-8 boys. Each den will have at least one BSA-registered adult leader and assistant leader.
Any boy who is 5 years old or in Kindergarten may join Cub Scouts. Ranks are as follows:
Rank | Grade |
Lion | Kindergarten |
Tiger | 1st Grade |
Wolf | 2nd Grade |
Bear | 3rd Grade |
Webelos | 4th Grade |
Arrow of Light | 5th Grade |
Each Scout needs a BSA Scout book for his rank. The book outlines the program for the year and specific rank requirements.
Den Meetings
Days, times, and locations of den meetings are determined by the Den Leader and den parents.
Den Leaders are responsible for coordinating den activities; however, parents will be called upon to assist as needed. This may mean helping with a den meeting or providing snacks. Your den leader will hold a parent meeting to discuss parent participation and support.
Due to BSA Youth Protection Guidelines, no den meeting may take place without two-deep adult leadership. This means one registered Scout volunteer and at least one other adult must be present at any den activity. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Pack Meetings
Pack meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month during the school year. Pack 1158 meets in the cafeteria of Ashburn Elementary School from 6:45-8:00pm.
All boys should wear their Class A uniforms to the Pack meetings. Pack meetings are an opportunity for dens to gather and recognize the achievements of other Scouts (or their own achievements). Pack meetings begin with a flag ceremony, usually followed by Scout skits, announcements, and presentations of awards.
Award ceremonies are an important part of Pack 1158 meetings. Pack leaders strive to make rank ceremonies as memorable as possible. Please make every effort to ensure your son’s and your attendance at these meetings. Family attendance is also encouraged at Pack meetings. Boys love to get awards and to be recognized in front of their family. Each Scout must have at least one parent or guardian in attendance.
BSA Field Uniform
The BSA Field uniform (formally known as Class A, detailed below) should be worn to all official Scout functions: den meetings, pack meetings, field trips, etc., unless otherwise noted by the den leader. Scouts can also wear their uniform to school on pack meeting day. BSA Field uniforms must include all items (as listed). Scout pants are not required, but green, navy, or khaki pants/shorts must be worn. Sweat pants, running pants, sport uniform pants/shorts, swim gear or athletic shorts of any kind are NOT acceptable. Sneaker and hiking boots are accepted as footwear. Sandals, flip-flops, and cleats are not acceptable.
Item | Cost (Lion) | Cost (Tiger, Wolf, Bear) | Cost (Webelos, Arrow of Light) |
Shirt | (t-shirt) $10 | (blue) $25 | (tan) $30 |
Hat | $13 | $15 | $15 |
Neckerchief | N/A | $9 | $9 |
Neckerchief Slide | N/A | $6 | $6 |
Belt | N/A | $10 | $10 |
Uniform Patches | N/A | $10-15 (total) | $10-15 (total) |
Total | $23 | $75-80 | $80-85 |
Uniform supplies can be purchased at:
National Capital Area Council Scout Shop 9190 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 564 1091
Northern Virginia Scout Shop 5253 Port Royal Road Springfield VA 22151 (703) 321 4836
Leesburg Hobbies & Collectibles 9 West Market Street Leesburg, VA 20176 (703) 779 8600 (Call for hours of operation)
Activity Uniform
The Activity Uniform (Formally known as Class B, Pack t-shirts) are appropriate at summer events and the “messier” activities. Activity t-shirts are provided upon receipt of the Pack dues.
Family Involvement
The family is the basis of Cub Scouting. The most important help that you, as a parent, can give your boys is to work with him on his Cub Scouting activities. Being active in his den activities will help you in your understanding of all that he is achieving.
The Pack 1158 leadership is 100% volunteer driven, and help with the planning and implementation of activities is welcomed and encouraged. Your son’s den and the pack rely on parent participation to run a successful program. We are always searching for people to fill den leader, committee, or event positions. Pack 1158 requires every scout family to volunteer for at least one pack activity and attend at least one committee meeting per year. Please contact any leader for a full list of volunteer opportunities.
Your role as a parent is the secret to a successful Cub Scouting program! It is proven that the more active a parent is in scouting, the more likely a boy is to continue on in scouting. It is fun and offers great rewards!
Scouting offers a wide range of training including Youth Protection Training. We encourage all parents/adult family members/guardians to take this training. It is an online training found at It is required for all BSA registered volunteers. It is a great tool for everyone involved as it provides an understanding of the policies put forth by the scouting program in protection of our boys.
The Pack collects dues at the start of each scouting year (October) to cover the expenses of the Pack. This includes the annual national registration fee to become a Scout, insurance, and the annual subscription to Boys Life magazine. Other costs that are covered by the Pack include:
- Cub Scout handbook
- Class B Pack t-shirt
- Scouting awards
- Blue & Gold Celebration and Pinewood Derby
- Adult leader registration fees
- Other events and activities
Fees are non-refundable. Fees are collected at time of the registration of each scout.