Flag Ceremony

Basic Opening Ceremony

Have the color guard in the back of the room, ready holding the flags. The US Flag is on the right, then Troop flag on the left as the color guard is facing towards the front of the room.

LEADER: "Color Guard, Attention!"

LEADER: "Audience, Please Rise!"

LEADER: "Scout Salute! Those not in uniform, please place your right hand over your heart."

LEADER: "Color Guard, Forward March!"

(Wait color guard to near the front)

LEADER: "Color Guard, Halt!"

LEADER: "Color Guard, Cross the Colors!"

(Wait for color guard to stand near the flag posts.)

LEADER: "Please Join us in The Pledge of Allegiance!"

(I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to...)

LEADER: "Color Guard, Post the Flag of the United States of America!"

LEADER: "Color Guard, Post the Flag of Pack 1158!"

LEADER: "Color Guard, Honor your Colors with a salute!"

(Flag bearers salute the US flag.)


(Everyone drops salute.)

LEADER: "Scout Sign!"

(Everyone raises right hand making the Scout sign.)

LEADER: "Please join us in reciting the Scout Oath!"

(On my honor, I will do my best... To do my duty to God and my country...)

LEADER: "Please join us in reciting the Scout Law!"

(A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly...)


(Everyone drops Scout sign)

LEADER: "Color Guard, Reform Ranks!"

(Wait for the flag bearers to return to formation.)

LEADER: "Audience, please prepare yourself for prayer."

(Read the handout with the prayer.)

LEADER: "Audience, please be seated. Color Guard, Dismissed!"

Basic Closing Closing

Leader assembles color guard in back of room or off stage so they are ready. You may only have flag bearers, 2 or 3 scouts following, 2 in front and 2 behind, or any other crisp formation depending on number of scouts in color guard.

LEADER: "Color Guard, Attention!"

LEADER: "Audience, Please Rise!"

LEADER: "Color Guard, Forward March!"

(Wait for color guard to reach near the front.)

LEADER: "Color Guard, Halt!"

LEADER: "Scout Salute!"

LEADER: "Those not in uniform, please place your right hand over your heart."

LEADER: "Color Guard, Retrieve the Colors!"

(Wait for flag bearers to pick up their flags.)

LEADER: "Color Guard, Reform Ranks!"

(Scouts not carrying flags turn to face the audience. US flag is on the far right, facing the audience, then state flag, then troop flag on far left.)

(Wait for flag bearers to return to formation.)

LEADER: "Color Guard, Forward March!"

(Wait until color guard reaches back of room.)

LEADER: "Color Guard, Halt!"


(Everyone drops salute.)

LEADER: "Audience, thank you for joining us. Color Guard, Dismissed!"

(Flag bearers should immediately put the flags away before starting to play with the other scouts.)