Typical Packing List
The recommended packing list for a campout will vary from one to the next, but the following list will serve as a general guideline. A more extensive list can be found here.
Camping Gear
- Tent
- Sleeping bag for cool weather
- Blanket
- Foam pad / sleeping roll / cot
- Pillow
- Camp chair
- Full changes of clothes (depending on length of stay)
- Rain gear
- Extra pair of shoes/boots
- Two extra pair of socks
Cub Scout Six Essentials
- Flashlight
- First aid kit
- Sunscreen
- Snacks
- Whistle
- Water
- Varies by campout (whether bring your own, or organized)
- Mess kit (plate, bowl, cup, knife, fork, spoon)
- Class B Activity uniform (yellow pack t-shirt)
- Rank handbook